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What: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Boeing 737-300 en route from Sarong to Manokwari West Papua. (Sorong-Dominique Edward Osok Airport to Rendani Airport)
Where: Rendani Airport, Indonesia
When: 12 April 2010
Who: 97 passengers ( 76 men, 21 women, three children and three infants) 6 crew
Why: While landing at Rendani in heavy fog and rain, the flight overshot the runway and/or hydroplaned on the wet runway, lost a wing in a forest at the end of the runway and partially ended up with the tail suspended in river shallows. The fuselage split in two. No one was trapped; everyone got out alive. Reports of injury vary, from 80 minor injuries to 20 individuals who sustained varying degrees of injury (broken bones and head injury), one who had facial injury and trouble breathing.
Merpati is on the banned list. Nevertheless, Merpati spokesmen say this was entirely due to weather and not pilot error.
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