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Contact photographer Giovanni Verbeeck
What: US Airways B767 from Paris to Charlotte
Where: Bangor Maine
When: May 22, 2012
Who: 179 passengers, 9 crew
Why: Around noon on May 22, two F-15 fighter jets scrambled to intercept a US Airways plane where a French woman from Cameroon had handed a note to a flight attendant claiming that she had a surgically implanted bomb. She was traveling alone and had no baggage.
Update US attorneys told the court they would not be filing a criminal complaint against Marigot 41-year-old French citizen and native of Cameroon,Lucie Zeeko Marigot, appeared in federal court in Bangor. Marigot was described by other passengers as “a full-figured, light-skinned African woman with hair “almost down to her waist.”
The note she handed to a flight attendant said in French that she was “a victim of a group of doctors” and that she had “an object in her body that is out of my control” and she also handed her a book she had written about her personal story.
Read More Passenger Claims Bomb Implant
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