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Contact photographer Nathan Bartlett
What: Qantaslink Boeing 717-200 en route from Newman,WA to Perth,WA
Where: Newman Australia
When: Oct 4th 2011
Who: 75 passengers and 5 crew
Why: The plane had taken off normally from Newman, but while still ascending, the engine popped. That is, it made a loud noise which was reported later by local media as a compressor stall. Inside, the cabin, passengers heard the explosion, the lights dimmed and the plane shuddered. Outside, witnesses saw a puff of smoke. Inside, passengers say it went “dead silent” for five minutes, before anyone made announcements. (No one is complaining. They’re all happy they survived.) When the captain did speak, he was calm and reassuring. No doubt he was busy at the time.
The landing hit hard and was described as being all over the runway. Passengers did joke about needing a drink afterwards, and Newman not having a bar; it was mentioned that the replacement flight should have all given them free drinks before they ran out of food.
The plane made a safe (emergency) landing in Newman fifteen minutes after takeoff.
See video below:
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