What: Colombian Police Bell UH-1 Huey en route from La Salina to Yopal
Where: La Salina, Casanare Province Colombia
When: June 11, 2011
Who: 11 aboard, 8 fatalities
Why: In Bogata, a police Huey crashed on take-off when it became entangled with electrical cables (high voltage wires). Mechanical failure may have been involved. Seven died on the scene, and one en route.
The deceased included four helicopter crewmen (Pilot Captain Manuel Niño Nestor Acosta, co-pilot Lt. Fuentes Fabián Meneses and technical sub Leandro Mayor Sanchez) and four members of the police anti-narcotics service (Gutierrez Mendoza Eimer, John Contreras Lobo, John Jewel Delgado, Wilson Germain Medina Correa Delgado and Castillo). Four surviving narcotics officers (Miguel Ochoa Assistant Parrado, Domingo Gamarra Roso, Orlando Castillo and Jose Jaimes Torres Vesga) have been hospitalized.
The helicopter was completely destroyed.
The chopper’s registration number was PLC-0731
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