SEATTLE, June 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — The Boeing Airplane Health Management (AHM) system will monitor Jade Cargo’s fleet of six 747-400 Freighter airplanes, under an agreement announced today. AHM is an information-driven system that helps airlines improve the management of unscheduled maintenance events.
“I believe AHM can extremely improve efficiency and reliability in our flight operation,” said Jade Cargo International CEO and Captain Kay Kratky upon signing the agreement. “I am looking forward to more cooperation with Boeing.”
Jade Cargo will incorporate all three AHM modules into its operation — Real-Time Fault Management, Performance Monitoring and Custom Alerting and Analysis.
“This is a big commitment by Jade Cargo to improve efficiency, maintenance performance and overall fleet awareness,” said Dennis Floyd, vice president of Fleet Services for Commercial Aviation Services, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “We look forward to Airplane Health Management making a significant difference in the airline’s operation.”
The Real-Time Fault Management module communicates in-flight information to ground stations for diagnosis and real-time operational decisions to initiate any needed maintenance operations and deploy the necessary people, parts and equipment.
Performance Monitoring will allow Jade Cargo to analyze airplane performance data to improve airplane fuel efficiency and flight planning.
Custom Alerting and Analysis enables the airline to address developing airplane system issues by automatically monitoring, collecting, and transmitting service level information including tire pressure, oxygen pressure, hydraulic fluid, Auxiliary Power Unit and engine oil levels. Consumption trends are then used to facilitate maintenance planning and optimize service intervals.
Airplane Health Management works through the portal. Alerts and notifications are delivered to airline personnel through the Internet, fax, personal digital assistants, e-mail and pager services.
Airplane Health Management is a key component in Boeing’s larger vision of the e-enabled airline, where information technology, connectivity and strategic integration promise greater efficiency and improved airline operations.
Jade Cargo International was founded by Shenzhen Airlines Company Limited, Lufthansa Cargo AG and DEG – Deutsche Investitions – und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, a subsidiary of KfW-Bank Group.