A UPS Airbus A300F4-622R cargo jet en route from Louisville to Birmingham International Airport was on final approach to runway 1-8 when it crashed in Birmingham. The two pilots aboard sent no warning message, and died on impact.
There is no indication yet if something in the cargo contributed to the crash, or if there was mechanical failure or some other factor involved.
Visibility was 10 miles and there was a 700 ft cloud ceiling.
KBHM 140953Z 34004KT 10SM FEW011 BKN035 OVC075 23/22 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP141 T02330222
METAR KBHM 14th @ 0953Z, wind from 340 at 4 KT, visibility 10 statute miles, Sky: few clouds at 1100, broken at 3500, overcast at 7500, temperature 23, dewpoint 22, altimeter 29.97 inches, remarks: automated report w/precipitation discriminator, sea level pressure 1014.1 Mb, temp 23.3 dewpoint 22.2
An NTSB team is flying in to begin the investigation.
The UPS burst into flames on impact in a low population density area. There were numerous explosions after the plane was burning.

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