What: King Air 350 jet en route from Sao Paulo to Trancoso
Where: seaside resort town of Trancoso, Bahia near the resort area of Porto Seguro. Their destination had been the Terravista complex in Bahia.
When: 23 May 2009
Who: Eight passengers and three crew members including Roger Ian Wright, founder of a Sao Paulo-based investment company, his wife Lucilia Lins and two children–Veronica and Felipe, two grandsons, a grand daughter, a great aunt,and the 56-year-old pilot Jorge Lang Filho
Why: UPDATED:The plane left Sao Paulo at 6:31 pm, and crashed in a forested area near the runway at 9: 10 pm while attempting to land during a heavy storm. Prior to impact, the pilot reported that “visual and landing conditions were normal.”
In addition to being the ex-director of Banco Garantia, Roger Wright, was the owner of Arsenal Investmentos and a friend of Prince Andrew.
George’s Point of View
We share the sentiments expressed on the Arsenal Investment’s website:
Arsenal Investimentos está profundamente pesarosa diante do trágico acidente aéreo ocorrido na noite de sexta-feira, dia 22 de maio, em Trancoso, na Bahia, que tirou a vida de seu sócio-fundador, o empresário Roger Ian Wright, e de seus familiares. Diante desse momento doloroso, a empresa se solidariza com todos os amigos e parentes das vítimas.
Arsenal Investments is deeply sorry the tragic crash occurred on the evening of Friday, on May 22 in Trancoso, Bahia, which took the lives of their socio-founder, the entrepreneur Roger Ian Wright, and their families . In this painful moment, the company in solidarity with all the friends and relatives of victims.
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