George’s Point of View
Sometimes you really have to wonder what air travel is coming to–especially when you hear about the Air Canada Airbus (you know I keep an eye on those Airbuses)–that stopped for a medical emergency. That’s not the big thing–the big thing is after the medical emergency, we had yet ANOTHER person whose basic bad manners caused enough disruption for the authorities to be called. Apparently a Toronto TV and radio host decided to pitch a fit on the plane. Drunk, cussing and escorted off by police to sleep it off in the drunk tank. I prefer my flights without that kind of live entertainment, thank you very much. Maybe the airlines should start giving a little deportment test before every flight, and those who flunk have to go to a session of charm school NOT run by Larry King.
I started to put up a new category, “cracked passenger” right above “cracked windshield” but decided to settle for “disruptive passenger.”
And below, for those who are here for the aircraft, please note the plane, when it is in operation and NOT boarded by publicity hounds.

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Contact photographer David Gopaul
What: Air Canada Airbus A330-300, registration C-GFUR en route from London to Toronto
Where: St. John’s, Canada
When: Mar 31st 2009
Who: Shall remain nameless simply on general purposes
Why: see above.
* This incident is NOT to be confused with Robert McDonald, of Glasgow, who opened an emergency exit hatch as his flight waited out two and a half hours of bad weather delay at JFK.
* OR Southwest Flight 1402 where a large woman started pummeling someone for touching her
* OR American Airlines Flight 1343 from Charlotte to Dallas/Fort Worth where a man ran and jumped into a plane to slide down the the inflatable exit slides
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