ICAO’s take is that the air traffic control region where the passenger plane came down was believed to be under the control of the Ukraine, and they will be pointing blame at the Ukraine for its internal strife.
The Ukraine is saying…but the ICAO said it was safe.

Other countries were already avoiding the hot zone. We should ask the ICAO why they were professing it was safe when it was so obviously not.

Let’s all remember that greasing the wings of airline commerce does not mean greasing up the safety glasses too.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Safety measures failed because of corporate optimism, cutting corners and who knows what other reasons. Prepare for the mudslinging and blame throwing to begin. Someone pulled the trigger, and someone let it happen. Someone will be held accountable.
Now…Here is Malaysia’s Friday statement.
Cargo manifests, hedging on the passenger manifest, and a news clip (including 25 minutes with CBS and President Obama) and a partial translation of that raw smoke video we have seen 37 times and wondered about.
Friday, July 18, 08:20 PM GMT +0800 Media Statement 4 : MH17 Incident
Media Statement 4: MH17 Incident
1. Flight plan
MH17’s flight plan was approved by Eurocontrol, who are solely responsible for determining civil aircraft flight paths over European airspace. Eurocontrol is the air navigation service provider for Europe and is governed under ICAO rules.
The route over Ukrainian airspace where the incident occurred is commonly used for Europe to Asia flights. A flight from a different carrier was on the same route at the time of the MH17 incident, as were a number of other flights from other carriers in the days and weeks before. Eurocontrol maintains records of all flights across European airspace, including those across Ukraine.
In April, the International Civil Aviation Organization identified an area over the Crimean peninsula as risky. At no point did MH17 fly into, or request to fly into, this area. At all times, MH17 was in airspace approved by the ICAO.
2. Altitude
MH17 filed a flight plan requesting to fly at 35,000ft throughout Ukrainian airspace. This is close to the ‘optimum’ altitude.
However, an aircraft’s altitude in flight is determined by air traffic control on the ground. Upon entering Ukrainian airspace, MH17 was instructed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at 33,000ft.
3. Nationalities
Following this afternoon’s press conference, Malaysia Airlines can confirm that a further 16 passengers’ nationalities have been verified. The latest breakdown of nationalities of those on board the flight is as follows:
· 189 Netherlands
· 44 Malaysia
· 27 Australia
· 12 Indonensia
· 9 UK
· 4 Belgium
· 4 Germany
· 3 Philippines
· 1 Canada
· 1 New Zealand
Four passengers’ nationalities remain to be verified.
4. New flight route
Following this incident, Malaysia Airlines now avoids Ukrainian airspace entirely, flying further south over Turkey.
And below, take a look at an update of the raw news video with translation; families in distress; speculation about the terrorist/separatists.
Note ICAO was reportedly denying war zone warning and Ukraine was denying war, but the NOTAM warnings were ALREADY up by US, Britain and European aviation authorities.
Missed the flight. Second Chance.
CBS News Special Report: American on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 – 25 Minutes
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