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Contact photographer Phil VabreWhat: Wingaway Air Piper PA-31P-350 Mojave en route from Bankstown Aerodrome to Brisbane Australia
Where: Canley Vale Road, Australia
When: June 15 2010 08:05 am
Who: 2 aboard, 28-year-old pilot Andrew Wilson and a female nurse on board, both fatalities
Why: After takeoff, the flight developed engine failure. Unable to gain altitude, the pilot reported he would be returning to Bankstown, but plane crashed on Canley Vale Road near Sydney just outside of the ATC three mile boundary. The pilot had been engaged in several minutes of conversation with ATC.
After the crash, the pilot and nurse were fatally injured. A car transporting one adult and three children was hit with crash debris; and the home belonging to Kevin Huynh caught on fire. 5 on the ground were hospitalized.