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Contact photographer Andreas Dürr
What: Airbourne Charter, Inc Gulfstream III en route from Los Angeles to Aspen, Colorado
Where: Aspen, Colorado
When: March 29, 2001
Who: 2 pilots, 1 flight attendant, and 15 passengers
Why: On March 29, 2001, about 1901:57 mountain standard time, a Gulfstream III, N303GA, owned by Airbourne Charter, Inc., and operated by Avjet Corporation of Burbank, California, crashed while on final approach to runway 15 at Aspen-Pitkin County Airport (ASE), Aspen, Colorado. The charter flight had departed Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) about 1711 with 2 pilots, 1 flight attendant, and 15 passengers. The airplane crashed into sloping terrain about 2,400 feet short of the runway threshold. All of the passengers and crewmembers were killed, and the airplane was destroyed.