A small plane crashed in Burlington County, New Jersey, on June 13th.
The plane was carrying two people when it went down. Both occupants of the plane were killed in the crash. They were identified as Robert Winner, 69, and Timothy Scannevin, 71.
It is believed that they were on an “Angel Flight” mission to transport a patient from Massachusetts to Philadelphia.
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Personal SANTIAGO the Police Special Operations Group found a plane that went missing in Picazo Alto, Chile. The plane was en route between Santiago and Temuco and disappeared from radar at about 3:00 pm May 21. The pilot of record was Raul Alejandro Barria Concha (65), who died in the crash. There were no others aboard. Teams from the Army, PDI, regional Onemi, Fire and Health Service assisted in the search, using the Panguilemo airfield as a hub.
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A helicopter crashed into a mobile home in Sebring, Florida, on October 31st.
The helicopter was carrying two people when it went down in Sebring Falls Mobile Home Park.
Both occupants of the aircraft were killed in the crash. They were identified as the pilot Christopher Lord, 45, and his passenger Christopher Brugger, 52.
One person on the ground was injured and was taken to a hospital.
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March 6, 2013, a flight chartered by Minera Aurifera Retamas SA to carry employees to a job, crashed. The flight had taken off at 6:28 a.m.. The Aero Transporte SA Beechcraft B200 King Air was en route from Lima-Jorge Chavez International to Pias Airport when it crashed near Matibamba Peru in Quebada Caipa.
Nine people were aboard—2 crew and 7 passengers. There were no survivors.
The crash site was difficult to access. The plane crashed during bad weather, and struck power lines. Victims bodies have not been identified.
The passengers aboard the plane were listed as:
Zavalaga Fernando Gutierrez
Paredes Ivanne Gutarra
Canchari Luis Lopez
Emma Canqui Sagua
Giancarlo Gilio Huertas
Jaime Gonzales Torres (GESCEL Company)
Paul Marin Moscoso
The plane was flown by Jorge and Manuel Ledesma Wasse.
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What: United Airlines en route from New York to Los Angeles Where: McCarran International Airport When: July 23, 2011 1:30 pm Who: 111 passengers Why: While en route, a light indicated a mechanical emergency, leading the crew to divert to Los Angeles. They made a safe landing at McCarran International Airport.
Firefighters said there was a problem with the cooling equipment.
The plane’s departure was delayed.
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