The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following
recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration:
Work with the military, manufacturers, and National
Aeronautics and Space Administration to complete the
development of a technology capable of informing pilots
about the continuing operational status of an engine. (A-10-
Once the development of the engine technology has been
completed, as asked for in Safety Recommendation A-10-62,
require the implementation of the technology on transport-
category airplane engines equipped with full-authority
digital engine controls. (A-10-63)
Modify the 14 Code of Federal Regulations 33.76(c) small and
medium flocking bird certification test standard to require
that the test be conducted using the lowest expected fan
speed, instead of 100-percent fan speed, for the minimum
climb rate. (A-10-64)
During the bird-ingestion rulemaking database (BRDB) working
group’s reevaluation of the current engine bird-ingestion
certification regulations, specifically reevaluate the 14
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 33.76(d) large flocking
bird certification test standards to determine whether they
should 1) apply to engines with an inlet area of less than
3,875 square inches and 2) include a requirement for engine
core ingestion. If the BRDB working group’s reevaluation
determines that such requirements are needed, incorporate
them into 14 CFR 33.76(d) and require that newly
certificated engines be designed and tested to these
requirements. (A-10-65)
Require manufacturers of turbine-powered aircraft to develop
a checklist and procedure for a dual-engine failure
occurring at a low altitude. (A-10-66)
Once the development of the checklist and procedure for a
dual-engine failure occurring at a low altitude has been
completed, as asked for in Safety Recommendation A-10-66,
require 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, Part 135,
and Part 91 Subpart K operators of turbine-powered aircraft
to implement the checklist and procedure. (A-10-67)
Develop and validate comprehensive guidelines for emergency
and abnormal checklist design and development. The
guidelines should consider the order of critical items in
the checklist (for example, starting the auxiliary power
unit), the use of opt outs or gates to minimize the risk of
flight crewmembers becoming stuck in an inappropriate
checklist or portion of a checklist, the length of the
checklist, the level of detail in the checklist, the time
needed to complete the checklist, and the mental workload of
the flight crew. (A-10-68)
Require 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, Part 135,
and Part 91 Subpart K operators to include a dual-engine
failure scenario occurring at a low altitude in initial and
recurrent ground and simulator training designed to improve
pilots? critical-thinking, task-shedding, decision-making,
and workload-management skills. (A-10-69)
Require 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, Part 135,
and Part 91 Subpart K operators to provide training and
guidance to pilots that inform them about the visual
illusions that can occur when landing on water and that
include approach and touchdown techniques to use during a
ditching, with and without engine power. (A-10-70)
Work with the aviation industry to determine whether
recommended practices and procedures need to be developed
for pilots regarding forced landings without power both on
water and land. (A-10-71)
Require applicants for aircraft certification to demonstrate
that their ditching parameters can be attained without
engine power by pilots without the use of exceptional skill
or strength. (A-10-72)
Require Airbus operators to amend the ditching portion of
the Engine Dual Failure checklist and any other applicable
checklists to include a step to select the ground proximity
warning system and terrain alerts to OFF during the final
descent. (A-10-73)
Require Airbus operators to expand the angle-of-attack-
protection envelope limitations ground-school training to
inform pilots about alpha-protection mode features while in
normal law that can affect the pitch response of the
airplane. (A-10-74)
Require all 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 139-
certificated airports to conduct wildlife hazard assessments
(WHA) to proactively assess the likelihood of wildlife
strikes, and, if the WHA indicates the need for a wildlife
hazard management plan (WHMP), require the airport to
implement a WHMP into its airport certification manual. (A-
Work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop and
implement innovative technologies that can be installed on
aircraft that would reduce the likelihood of a bird strike.
Require Airbus to redesign the frame 65 vertical beam on
A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes to lessen the
likelihood that it will intrude into the cabin during a
ditching or gear-up landing and Airbus operators to
incorporate these changes on their airplanes. (A-10-77)
Conduct research to determine the most beneficial passenger
brace position in airplanes with nonbreakover seats
installed. If the research deems it necessary, issue new
guidance material on passenger brace positions. (A-10-78)
Require, on all new and in-service transport-category
airplanes, that cabin safety equipment be stowed in
locations that ensure that life rafts and/or slide/rafts
remain accessible and that sufficient capacity is available
for all occupants after a ditching. (A-10-79)
Require quick-release girts and handholds on all evacuation
slides and ramp/slide combinations. (A-10-80)
Require 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, Part 135,
and Part 91 Subpart K operators to provide information about
life lines, if the airplane is equipped with them, to
passengers to ensure that the life lines can be quickly and
effectively retrieved and used. (A-10-81)
Require that aircraft operated by 14 Code of Federal
Regulations Part 121, Part 135, and Part 91 Subpart K
operators be equipped with flotation seat cushions and life
vests for each occupant on all flights, regardless of the
route. (A-10-82)
Require 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, Part 135,
and Part 91 Subpart K operators to brief passengers on all
flotation equipment installed on an airplane, including a
full demonstration of correct life vest retrieval and
donning procedures, before all flights, regardless of route.
Require modifications to life vest stowage compartments or
stowage compartment locations to improve the ability of
passengers to retrieve life vests for all occupants. (A-10-
Revise the life vest performance standards contained in
Technical Standard Order-C13f to ensure that they result in
a life vest that passengers can quickly and correctly don.
Conduct research on, and require 14 Code of Federal
Regulations Part 121, Part 135, and Part 91 Subpart K
operators to implement, creative and effective methods of
overcoming passengers? inattention and providing them with
safety information. (A-10-86)