Here’s something we don’t hear too often:
A plane’s propeller blade broke off, vibrated and the plane’s engine broke and fell off during flight. People survived this, so we can presume the flight didn’t get too high.
On Sept 10, 2013, a Vintage Wings of Canada Boeing PT-27 Stearman took off and crashed with two aboard.
The plane crashed right after takeoff from McGill Airfield. The two aboard the plane suffered minor injuries.
Fire trucks and ambulances responded to the scene.

Photo found on Twitter
The incident is being investigated by Canadian Transportation Safety board.
Canadian Aviation Daily Reporting System reported this as:
A Vintage Wings of Canada Boeing B75N1 (C-GKUE) from Brandon, MB (CYBR) to St. Andrews, MB (CYAV) crashed on departure from runway 26 at CYBR. Emergency services and RCMP responded. RCC, TSB, NOC and CACO all advised.
Update AOR 166176-V1: A Vintage Wings of Canada Boeing B75N1 (C-GKUE) from Brandon, MB (CYBR) to St. Andrews, MB (CYAV) departed runway 26 and shortly after take-off the engine was observed detached from the aircraft. Aircraft went vertical and then crashed onto the runway. ARFF responded in 2 minutes. Runway 08/26 closed at 1807Z. As a result, Westjet Encore (WJE3242) DH8D diverted to Winnipeg, MB and a private M20P returned to Portage La Prairie, MB. Runway was re-opened at 1950Z.
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