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Contact photographer Timo Jäger
What: United Parcel Service Boeing 747-400 cargo plane en route from Dubai to Cologne
Where: Dubai inside an Emirati air base between Dubai’s Emirates Highway and nearby Al-Ain Road 10 miles southeast of Dubai’s international airport
When: September 3 2010, noon New York time
Who: Two pilots
Why: After takeoff, the pilots declared an emergency over Bahrain airspace, with a cockpit fire. The pilots dumped fuel and immediately attempted to return to the airport, unable to see their instruments due to the smoke. The plane crashed, and both pilots were killed. The crew reported fire on board as they were approaching the airport. Witnesses report hearing a boom, and seeing fire and smoke.
Statement on Aircraft Incident
Atlanta, September 03, 2010
Atlanta, September 03, 2010
A UPS cargo plane has been involved in an accident in Dubai.
Updated 6:30 PM EDT
At approximately noon EDT on Friday, Sept. 3, UPS received a report that one of its cargo aircraft had crashed in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. UPS can confirm that Flight 6, a 747-400, took off from Dubai at approximately 1500 Zulu, bound for Cologne, Germany. UPS records indicate that two UPS employees were aboard. There are no known survivors.
“This is a terrible tragedy and all of us at UPS extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims,” said Scott Davis, UPS’s chairman and CEO. “We are doing our best to learn exactly what happened.”
UPS is aware of news reports concerning possible events that led to the incident, but we are unable to confirm these reports. UPS Airlines is cooperating with government authorities on the scene, and we have dispatched our own investigation team to the site to assist.
The safety and security of our employees and our customers and the public are our highest priorities. We will not rest until a determination has been made concerning the causes and implications of this tragedy.
We will release more information as it becomes available, in cooperation with government authorities. Until then, we ask for your patience in this difficult time.
Updates on the situation will be provided to the news media and via the Internet at
A media information hotline has been established at (502) 329-0110. A recorded message will provide any updates; the system also will allow reporters to leave messages if they would like a return call.
About UPS UPS (NYSE: UPS) is the world’s largest package delivery company and a global leader in supply chain and freight services. With more than a century of experience in transportation and logistics, UPS is a leading global trade expert equipped with a broad portfolio of solutions. Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., UPS serves more than 215 countries and territories worldwide. The company can be found on the Web at and its corporate blog can be found at To get UPS news direct, visit
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UPS Public Relations
UPS Airlines Media Hotline