ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — When winter hits Rochester, de-icing planes becomes even more important to ensure smooth and safe takeoffs. Now, what a lot of people don’t realize is that there are …

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Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
ADS-B is the Next Generation Air Transportation System technology is an intelligent system which equips planes with GPS, or, as the company says, is redefining the paradigm of communications and navigation and surveillance in Air Traffic Management. ADS-B accuracy is not degraded by range, atmospheric condition, or altitude. Currently the system is running in Philadelphia. UPS is equipped for ADS-B services, and is largely based in Philadelphia. ADS-B Technologies, LLC is based in Anchorage, Alaska. The FAA has floated a deadline that airlines and private aircraft install ADS-B avionics by 2020 but by 2013, it is expected to be available countrywide.
FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt is quoted as saying “This new technology is a tremendous leap forward in transforming the current ATC system.”
Houston, TX, Louisville, KY, and Juneau, AK. are also being equipped with ADS-B.
Japan Rocket Warning Marks No Fly Zone
Notice to airmen
North Korea is launch of a satellite between April 12 and April 16; and as it is going up by rocket which will scatter debris, area Airlines need to be forewarned.
At least 19 airlines including Philippine Airlines, Japan Airlines, Korean Airlines and Garuda are rerouting to avoid the rocket or any falling debris. Alternative routes may add 13 to thirty minutes to flights. The Philippines has warned ships to steer from certain arieas where debris might fall into the Yellow sea. The second stage is expected to fall in water 140 km from Luzon.
However amateur sky watchers are saying in order for the satellite to get into the correct orbit, these experts say, they risk early stages dropping on allies’. The question remains North Korea Lying About Its Rocket Launch?