The FAA has launched an investigation into the near-miss last Friday.

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NTSB report leaves unanswered questions about deadly Windham plane crash
The NTSB is out with their report on a deadly plane crash in Windham, Nov. 24.As NewsChannel 13 has been reporting, the plane was carrying three dogs rescued from a high-kill shelter. The pilot and one dog were killed. Two other dogs were hurt. The plane took off from Churchville, Maryland at 4:40 p.m. Around 6 p.m., the pilot reported bad turbulence at 5,000 feet. He then lowered his altitude to 4,300 feet, and reported the turbulence calmed a bit. However, altitude continued to drop until the plane ultimately crashed.
National Transportation Safety Board
Washington, DC 20594
The National Transportation Safety Board is dispatching a team of investigators to assist the government of Saudi Arabia with its investigation of today’s cargo airplane accident in Riyadh.
At about 11:38 a.m. local time today, a Lufthansa MD-11(D-ALCQ) freighter crashed while landing at the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh. The two crewmembers on
board survived the accident. Flight 8460 originated in Frankfurt.
NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman has designated Senior Air Safety Investigator Bill English as the U.S. Accredited Representative. The U.S. team will also include NTSB flight operations specialists, an NTSB aircraft systems specialist, and technical advisors from the Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing.
The investigation is being conducted by Saudi Arabia’s General Authority of Civil Aviation
(, which will release all information on the progress of the investigation.
Tam Chided by Brazilian Consulate
The Brazilian Consulate in Paris has accused Tam of negligence when loading planes in Brazilian airports. The consul said that even having paid a total of € 83 thousand in fines for transporting passengers with inadequate documentation to enter France, [Tam] did not pay attention to requirements of the Direction of French Border Police.
On the Tam website, Brazilian diplomats found incomplete information regarding requisite documents required by the French government to allow entry into France. Paris headquarters could not comment on these developments without permission from São Paulo.

Speculation mounts over cause of Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash that left at least 38 dead
Azerbaijan held a day of mourning on Thursday for the dozens of victims of an airliner crash in Kazakhstan, as questions were being asked over the cause of the disaster.
Super Bowl Flight Advisory
Notice Number: NOTC2108
FAAST Blast — January 20, 2010
In anticipation of a large number of aircraft operating to and from the South Florida metropolitan area during the 2010 Pro-Bowl and Super Bowl XLIV weeks, special procedures will be used to enhance safety and minimize air traffic delays. Among the security provisions for this event are TFRs, two-way communications, and discrete transponder requirements.
Specific procedures for this event may be revised and access to some airports may be restricted. Pilots should be prepared to provide documentation, including personal identification, certificate number,aircraft ownership information, and a contact number. Pilots are also encouraged to check NOTAMs frequently to verify they have the most current information. TFR information is normally disseminated by FDC NOTAM three to five days prior to the event. Once published, text and graphic depictions of restrictions may be found on the following web site: The Super Bowl TFR is scheduled to be in effect on Feb. 7.
ADS-B Debuts in Gulf of Mexico
On January 12, 2010, FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt announced that an improved satellite-based system – Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) – is now being used to more efficiently and safely separate and manage aircraft flying over the Gulf of Mexico.
“This is a significant, early step toward NextGen,” Administrator Babbitt said. “We’re delivering on time, a system that’s not only more accurate than radar but comes with significant safety and efficiency benefits. This will save time and money for aircraft operators and passengers and reduce our carbon footprint.”
Before the installation of ADS-B in the Gulf, controllers were required to maintain a 120-mile separation between aircraft. The new technology shrinks that to only five nautical miles, while increasing safety. The agency also can now provide more direct routes, which reduces fuel costs and improves efficiency.
This is the nation’s second major installation of ADS-B equipment. Controllers at Louisville International Airport started using the technology last fall. This year, ADS-B is expected to become operational at Philadelphia International Airport, as well as in Juneau, Alaska. It is expected to be available nationwide by 2013.
Finding and Fighting Fatigue
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” This simple Irish proverb offers some profound advice, especially to those involved in the aviation industry. Each year, fatigue is all too often a factor in aircraft-related accidents and incidents. Although airline operator mishaps garner the lion’s share of media attention, GA pilots and mechanics are subject to the same fatigue-related risks as are air carrier personnel.
According to “Finding and Fighting Fatigue” in the January/February 2010 FAA Aviation News, the solution is amazingly simple, yet often difficult to implement: Get more sleep. In addition to providing tips to help airmen develop better sleep habits, the article also provides a sleep log which helps readers gauge how much sleep they get during a two-week period. The authors offer some sobering facts about fatigue. For instance, did you know that your performance level after being awake for 20 hours is equivalent to that of a legally drunk driver? Be sure to check out the entire article for more tips on how to combat fatigue.