A harrowing video taken by a passenger inside the cabin of an aircraft that crashed in Kazakhstan today has been shared widely on social media, showing the final moments of the doomed plane.

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Super Bowl Flight Advisory
Notice Number: NOTC2108
FAAST Blast — January 20, 2010
In anticipation of a large number of aircraft operating to and from the South Florida metropolitan area during the 2010 Pro-Bowl and Super Bowl XLIV weeks, special procedures will be used to enhance safety and minimize air traffic delays. Among the security provisions for this event are TFRs, two-way communications, and discrete transponder requirements.
Specific procedures for this event may be revised and access to some airports may be restricted. Pilots should be prepared to provide documentation, including personal identification, certificate number,aircraft ownership information, and a contact number. Pilots are also encouraged to check NOTAMs frequently to verify they have the most current information. TFR information is normally disseminated by FDC NOTAM three to five days prior to the event. Once published, text and graphic depictions of restrictions may be found on the following web site: www.tfr.faa.gov. The Super Bowl TFR is scheduled to be in effect on Feb. 7.
ADS-B Debuts in Gulf of Mexico
On January 12, 2010, FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt announced that an improved satellite-based system – Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) – is now being used to more efficiently and safely separate and manage aircraft flying over the Gulf of Mexico.
“This is a significant, early step toward NextGen,” Administrator Babbitt said. “We’re delivering on time, a system that’s not only more accurate than radar but comes with significant safety and efficiency benefits. This will save time and money for aircraft operators and passengers and reduce our carbon footprint.”
Before the installation of ADS-B in the Gulf, controllers were required to maintain a 120-mile separation between aircraft. The new technology shrinks that to only five nautical miles, while increasing safety. The agency also can now provide more direct routes, which reduces fuel costs and improves efficiency.
This is the nation’s second major installation of ADS-B equipment. Controllers at Louisville International Airport started using the technology last fall. This year, ADS-B is expected to become operational at Philadelphia International Airport, as well as in Juneau, Alaska. It is expected to be available nationwide by 2013.
Finding and Fighting Fatigue
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” This simple Irish proverb offers some profound advice, especially to those involved in the aviation industry. Each year, fatigue is all too often a factor in aircraft-related accidents and incidents. Although airline operator mishaps garner the lion’s share of media attention, GA pilots and mechanics are subject to the same fatigue-related risks as are air carrier personnel.
According to “Finding and Fighting Fatigue” in the January/February 2010 FAA Aviation News, the solution is amazingly simple, yet often difficult to implement: Get more sleep. In addition to providing tips to help airmen develop better sleep habits, the article also provides a sleep log which helps readers gauge how much sleep they get during a two-week period. The authors offer some sobering facts about fatigue. For instance, did you know that your performance level after being awake for 20 hours is equivalent to that of a legally drunk driver? Be sure to check out the entire article for more tips on how to combat fatigue.

Plane out of Naples Airport makes emergency landing
A 36 Bonanza made an emergency landing shortly after take-off at Naples Airport.
And a Little Dog Shall Lead Them…
The dog was in his crate, and got anxious; his owner tried to comfort him, and let him out of the crate, accidentally or not. So the anxious, terrified dog bit a passenger and a flight attendant. And consequently the pilot of Newark-Phoenix U.S. Airways Flight 522 landed in Pittsburg, booted out the senior citizen and neurotic little Toto too, and flew the rest of the way to Phoenix.
And the senior citizen and the little dog took another flight from Pittsburg to Phoenix. No word if it was on U.S. Airways or not.
George’s Point of View
If Solomon had been on that flight, what would he have done?
Threaten to cut the eight pound dog in thirds? I can see it now, as he is posed with a plane-legal 10th century BC weapon, ready to divide the dog into thirds, to the horror of the dog’s owner. Given the mindset of most contemporary Americans, rather than being upset, the bitten attendant and passenger would likely both have their hand out, even after getting their share of dog. However, possibly not, since only a diehard dog lover would try to handle an angry chihuahua (or whatever the little canine is.) Let’s hope for the owner’s sake that the injured comrades-in-travel were forgiving dog lovers.
And also, let’s hope that Fido, Rover, Toto (or whatever his name is) stays home instead of going on the next trip.
The thing that I don’t understand these days is the suspension of common sense. How many thousands of dollars in fuel and expenses did that diversion to Pittsburg cost? Was it really essential to make an emergency landing to strand a senior citizen and pet in Pittsburg? How serious were the bites? There’s no mention of a medical emergency.
Let’s hope no charges are filed.

Speculation mounts over cause of Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash that left at least 38 dead
Azerbaijan held a day of mourning on Thursday for the dozens of victims of an airliner crash in Kazakhstan, as questions were being asked over the cause of the disaster.
Arclight Films Halts the Preproduction of ‘Deep Water’ After MH370 tragedy
While the real life mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappearance hit the headlines, Australian film producer Alister Grierson revealed that this real life event is eerily similar to the story line of his upcoming action horror film ‘Deep water’.
Considering the sensitivity of scenario, Arclight Films on Monday announced that they have decided to pause the work on Deep water. The film company’s managing director Gary Hamilton said ‘Out of sensitivity to the Malaysia flight situation, we’ve decided to put it on pause for now’.
The film is based on the story of plane crash survivors who have to face and fight hungry sharks.
The post is an update of “Alister Grierson Says Malaysian Plane Incident Resembles the Plot of “Deep Water”
Air France Flight 447
Air France 447 went down over the Atlantic in 2009.
The fly-by-wire A330 incorporates technology that prevents the airplane from entering a stall, but during a complete loss of airspeed information, however, the system reverted to manual control.
The final report said said the pilots were “completely surprised” by technical problems experienced at high altitude and engaged in increasingly de-structured actions until suffering “the total loss of cognitive control of the situation.”
CEO of the Flight Safety Foundation has been recorded said pilots generally manually manipulating the controls for only three minutes:one minute and 30 seconds each for take-off and landing.
“We are moving towards automated operations where the pilot isn’t even permitted to fly. That means the first time in your career you will ever feel what an aircraft feels like at 35,000 feet is when it’s handed to you broken.”