HAMPTON, Va. — NASA has selected Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies of
Greenbelt, Md., to provide the agency’s Langley Research Center in
Hampton, Va., with computing support services for complex information
technology (IT) systems and applications.
The five-year maximum value of the Langley Research Center Information
Technology Enhanced Services (LITES) task order contract is $183
The systems supported include unique and high-end systems used by
mission and mission-support staff at Langley. LITES provides a wide
range of support functions including those for non-standard operating
systems, for system interfaces, or for use within a dynamic
environment such as a research laboratory or test facility.
LITES provides integrated support that encompasses all activities
necessary to develop, deploy, upgrade, operate and maintain a system
that delivers an IT capability for research and development use and
for business systems and applications. The contract provides support
through Langley’s Office of the Chief Information Officer in the
areas of science and engineering applications; project management
applications; business management applications; and center
infrastructure applications and data center support not provided as
part of NASA’s Information Technology Infrastructure Improvement