The bodies were found by ground crews during a maintenance inspection.

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FAA International Runway Safety Summit Meeting Now
In her opening address to the FAA International Runway Safety Summit in Washington, US National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Deborah Hersman criticized FAA for failing to act on runway safety recommendations made by the NTSB. Among other questions she asked, “How do safety improvements end up taking 10 years to deliver?…Every day they are delayed could be the day” an accident occurs.
The FAA International Runway Safety Summit is being held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and The MITRE Corporation, will continue on until December 3rd.
Ongoing discussions, analyses, and reviews of critical issues such as human factors, airport geometry, technology today and tomorrow, the cockpit, ATC procedures, and SMS systems are the expected topics.
Special keynote talks by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood (invited), FAA Administrator J. Randolph Babbitt, and FAA Air Traffic Organization Chief Operating Officer Hank Krakowski will emphasize the importance placed on runway safety in the United States and its aviation partners worldwide. Wednesday’s luncheon presentation will feature Captain Robert Bragg, the sole surviving flight crew member of the Pan Am Tenerife crash.

Backstory: Their plane crashed in the snowy Wyoming wilderness, she waited 19 days for help
CASPER, Wyo. – Dorothy LeMasurier was sitting in a back passenger seat in a twin-engine Beechcraft as her husband, Dalton, piloted the aircraft over
The Search: Flight 447
-17 bodies found 45 miles from last transmission
-two airplane seats, debris with Air France’s logo, and recovered dozens of structural components from the plane
-Tuesday Brazilian and French ships will be using American equipment to listen for the missing beacon.
French Statement:
L’Airbus A 330-200, immatriculé F-GZCP, exploité par Air France, vol AF 447, a disparu dans la nuit du 31 mai au 1er juin 2009. L’avion avait à son bord 216 passagers et 12 membres d’équipage et assurait la liaison Rio-de-Janeiro (Brésil) – Paris-Charles de Gaulle (France).
L’avion ayant disparu dans les eaux internationales, le BEA, représentant l’Etat d’immatriculation, a ouvert une enquête, conformément à l’Annexe 13 à la Convention relative à l’aviation civile internationale et au Code de l’Aviation civile (Livre VII).
Une équipe d’enquête a été constituée et s’est mise au travail.
L’enquêteur désigné, M. Alain BOUILLARD, a constitué quatre groupes de travail dans les domaines suivants :
Recherches en mer,
Historique de l’avion,
Exploitation de l’avion,
Systèmes et équipements.
Deux enquêteurs du BEA accompagnés de spécialistes d’Airbus et d’Air France sont actuellement à Rio de Janeiro.
Le BEA prévoit de publier un premier rapport fin juin.
Washington, DC, Area Operating Status
Applies to: Thursday, January 27, 2011
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would normally arrive.
Non-emergency employees are expected to report to their office for work no later than the designated number of hours provided past their normal arrival time. Employees should plan their commutes so that they arrive for work no more than xx hours later than they would normally arrive. For example, if OPM announces a 2-hour delayed arrival policy, employees who normally arrive at 8:00 a.m. must arrive for work no later than 10:00 a.m. Such employees will be granted excused absence (administrative leave) for up to the designated number of hours past their normal arrival time.
An employee who arrives later than the designated number of hours should be charged annual leave for the excess time. For example, if OPM announces a 2-hour delayed arrival policy, and an employee arrives for work 3 hours later than his/her normal arrival time, the employee should be charged annual leave for 1 hour. However, in the case of unusual circumstances or hardship, an agency may determine to grant excused absence for the excess time.
Note: For employees working under flexible work schedules, agencies should consult OPM’s Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules (see information on “Excused Absence” in the “Flexible Work Schedules” section) to determine the “normal arrival and departure times” of employees on flexible schedules. The handbook is available on OPM’s website at Employees under flexible work schedules may also request a change in their work schedules.
Non-emergency employees must notify their supervisor of their intent to use unscheduled leave or unscheduled telework. They may-
Use annual leave, earned compensatory time off, earned credit hours, or leave without pay; or
As permitted by their agency’s policies, procedures, and collective bargaining agreements, telework from home on a non-telework day, if the employee has a telework agreement in place that is approved for unscheduled telework.
Non-emergency employees may request sick leave if they meet the qualifying conditions under law, OPM regulations, and follow their agency’s policies and procedures.
Employees scheduled to telework on the day of the announcement are expected to begin telework on time or request unscheduled leave.
Emergency employees are expected to report to their worksite on time unless otherwise directed by their agencies.
2010: Fare increases
On and after May 8, US Airways will be adding a 5 percent surcharge in case other costs increase.
Surcharges on everything from bag handling to peak days to changing fee fees have been added by most airlines to boost revenue in a market that is currently losing money.
Look for surcharges added also by United, Delta, and Northwest, as well as the cutting of flights which are currently unprofitable.