ADS-B is the Next Generation Air Transportation System technology is an intelligent system which equips planes with GPS, or, as the company says, is redefining the paradigm of communications and navigation and surveillance in Air Traffic Management. ADS-B accuracy is not degraded by range, atmospheric condition, or altitude. Currently the system is running in Philadelphia. UPS is equipped for ADS-B services, and is largely based in Philadelphia. ADS-B Technologies, LLC is based in Anchorage, Alaska. The FAA has floated a deadline that airlines and private aircraft install ADS-B avionics by 2020 but by 2013, it is expected to be available countrywide.
FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt is quoted as saying “This new technology is a tremendous leap forward in transforming the current ATC system.”
Houston, TX, Louisville, KY, and Juneau, AK. are also being equipped with ADS-B.