New York Giants fans are spending thousands of dollars to ridicule the team’s owners in the midst of their ongoing losing streak.

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Delta Connection flight 4951
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In an interview, Captain Jack Conroyd, the pilot who landed Delta Connection flight 4951 when the landing gear failed, called the training provided by Atlantic Southeast Airlines instrumental in the success of the emergency landing. He also praised the crew, and the calm demeanor of the passengers.
Click to see video of Conroy
The Search: Flight 447
-17 bodies found 45 miles from last transmission
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-Tuesday Brazilian and French ships will be using American equipment to listen for the missing beacon.
French Statement:
L’Airbus A 330-200, immatriculé F-GZCP, exploité par Air France, vol AF 447, a disparu dans la nuit du 31 mai au 1er juin 2009. L’avion avait à son bord 216 passagers et 12 membres d’équipage et assurait la liaison Rio-de-Janeiro (Brésil) – Paris-Charles de Gaulle (France).
L’avion ayant disparu dans les eaux internationales, le BEA, représentant l’Etat d’immatriculation, a ouvert une enquête, conformément à l’Annexe 13 à la Convention relative à l’aviation civile internationale et au Code de l’Aviation civile (Livre VII).
Une équipe d’enquête a été constituée et s’est mise au travail.
L’enquêteur désigné, M. Alain BOUILLARD, a constitué quatre groupes de travail dans les domaines suivants :
Recherches en mer,
Historique de l’avion,
Exploitation de l’avion,
Systèmes et équipements.
Deux enquêteurs du BEA accompagnés de spécialistes d’Airbus et d’Air France sont actuellement à Rio de Janeiro.
Le BEA prévoit de publier un premier rapport fin juin.
Tracking Down #MH370 or Physics of an Air Space Game of Marco Polo
The guessing/math triangulating the path of Inmarsat’s pings was the only thing experts seemed to agree on regarding to pinning down the location of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Yet at the location, at least, the location according to the data laying out the path according to Inmarsat’s analysis, nothing was found in the recent search of the ocean floor off the coast of Australia. The engineers and mathematicians involved may have done their best but the guess seems to have been faulty or otherwise off somehow. If you will pardon the circular reasoning, if only we knew how it was off, we would know how it was off.
Investigators have come up with two maps that can be drawn based on the ping data, based on the speed. The variation is due to considerations of the pings which do not indicate the speed or direction the plane was moving, but only the probable distance between plane and satellite. See Inmarsat’s global representation …
However, there is opposition to the Inmarsat calculations which is presented by * Michael Exner (founder of the American Mobile Satellite Corporation) **Duncan Steel(physicist and visiting scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center) and satellite technology consultant ***Tim Farrar which presents other data that should be considered. See the Dopplar shift jpg…
My pragmatic response to these experts is a major simplification: just that the plane did not disappear into a textbook, under textbook conditions. The pings occurred in a real atmosphere, with atmospheric variations that were not and possibly could not have been taken into account. Not only are the speed, direction and height of the aircraft factors that must be taken into account, but also the quality of the atmosphere, density, weather, etc, plus factors that a non-mathmatical, non-scientist like myself would not even know how to bring into the picture. In this search at least, the untested math used is as vulnerable as statistics is to presenting a defective or imprecise representation, or a representation which would only be true under certain conditions.
For further study on this, * Michael Exner, the Atlantic Official Explanation article, input from physicist **Duncan Steele (who calculates “a uniform ring radius based on the aircraft-satellite range given the elevation angle and the satellite’s altitude, and the latitude of the sub-satellite point, the aircraft being taken to be at the same latitude in this simplified geometry; and satellite consultant***Tim Farrar.

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