Pictured: An Air India Airbus A320-231
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Contact photographer Avinash – iPilot777
What: Air India Airbus A320-200 en route from Muscat Oman to Kozhikode
Where: Muscat
When: May 20th 2010
Who: 132 passengers
Why: One of the engine’s Exhaust Gas Temperatures rose too high according to indicators, prompting pilots to reject takeoff. Some of the tires popped, but the flight made a safe stop on the runway. The incident predated the Air India crash at Mangalore.
Another incident
Four days after the Mangalore crash, Air India flight flight IX-212 hit an air pocket (or perhaps this could be termed clear air turbulence) while on “auto pilot” while the pilot was apparently in the VC. The flight dived five thousand feet while over Mumbai (reported to be as much as 15,000 feet). 112 passengers and 6 crew members landed safely.