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Contact photographer Kok Chwee SIM
What: Avient Aviation McDonnell Douglas MD-11 freighter en route from Shanghai to Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
Where: Shanghai
When: Nov 28th 2009, 8am local time
Who: 7 crew
Why: On takeoff, the MD-11’s main gear left the ground over the runway but the plane climbed less than 10 feet, ran into approach lights, fell, broke into parts and caught on fire. The plane rotated for takeoff but failed to become airborne and sustained at least one tailstrike.
There are three fatalities, all American crew members, and 4 critically injured. Those aboard were from the US, Belgium, Indonesia and Zimbabwe.
One injured US citizen (61 year old co-pilot) is in critical condition with multiple rib fractures, blast lung injury and pneumothorax. The other 3 survivors sustained chest and limb injuries.
This plane, flying as HL7372 Korean Air Lines tipped on its tail at Sydney Airport while being unloaded on JAN 09 2002.