Update to “Cold Temperature Restricted Airports” list
Subject: Update to “Cold Temperature Restricted Airports” list located in Notice to Airmen Publication (NTAP) Graphic Notices. www/faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices.
Purpose: This publication provides operators with information related to cold temperature altitude restrictions. It contains the addition and subtraction of airports to the Cold Temperature Restricted Airports list located in the NTAP.
Background: In response to recognized safety concerns over cold weather altimetry errors, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) completed a risk analysis to determine if current Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 97 instrument approach procedures in the United States National Airspace System (NAS) are at risk during cold temperature operations. From this study the FAA published an NTAP providing pilots a list of airports, the affected segments and procedures needed to correct published altitudes at the restricted temperatures.
Discussion: Pilots may correct all altitudes from the initial approach fix (IAF) through the missed approach (MA) final holding altitude (All Segments Method). There will be a single temperature in Celsius (C) next to the snowflake ICON to indicate when this procedure will be required. Pilots wishing to use the All Segments Method and familiar with the NTAP procedure for applying a correction are not required to review the NTAP airport list for affected segments. Pilots wishing to continue correcting segment by segment must review the NTAP airports list for segment(s) affected (NTAP Segment(s) Method). The front matter in the FAA U.S Terminal Procedures Publication will also provide this information.
Added Airports
Idaho: Driggs-Reed Memorial (KDIJ) (-31C)
Maine: Greenville Muni (3B1) (-29C)
New Hampshire: Laconia Muni (KLCI) (-25C), Parlin Field (2B3) (-24C)
Pennsylvania: Washington County (KAFJ) (-27C)
South Dakota: Pine Ridge (KIEN) (-33C)
Washington: Richland (KRLD) (-19C)
Deleted Airports
Alaska: Perryville (PAPE), Togiak (PATG), Willow (PAUO), White Mountain (PAWM)
Colorado: Spanish Peaks Airfield (4V1), McElroy Airfield (20V), Walden-Jackson County (33V)
Maine: Eastern Slopes Rgnl (KIZG)
Maryland: Greater Cumberland Rgnl (KCBE)
Massachusetts: Walter J. Koladza (KGBR)
Minnesota: St Paul Downtown Holman Fld (KSTP), Tower Municipal (12D)
Montana: Cut Bank Intl (KCTB), Deer Lodge City County (38S)
Nevada: Carson (KCXP), Minden-Tahoe (KMEV)
New Hampshire: Dillant-Hopkins (KEEN)
New Mexico: Taos Rgnl (KSKX)
New York: Dansville (KDSV), Massena Intl-Richards Field (KMSS), Hamilton Muni (KVGC), Cortland County-Chase Field (N03), Randall (06N), Schenectady County (KSCH)
North Dakota: Watford City Muni (S25)
Oregon: Astoria Rgnl (KAST)
Pennsylvania: Seamans Field (9N3)
The current T-XX°C/XX°F icon will be changed to T-XX°C.
This change will be done incrementally on airport approach plates. The icon indicates a cold temperature altitude correction will be required on an approach when the reported temperature is, “at or below” the temperature specified for that airport. During this process, pilots may see temperatures on the current approach plates that are different than the temperature listed in the NTAP. The NTAP temperature is the updated temperature. Pilots may use the temperature published in the current TPP to make corrections if warmer than the NTAP listed temperature.
Pilots must understand they will be responsible for applying altitude corrections and must advise Air Traffic Control (ATC) when these corrections are to be made on any segment other than the final segment. Air Traffic Control is not responsible for making any altitude corrections and/or advising pilots that an altitude correction is required at a restricted airport.