The residents of Hopedale, a Tazewell County town in Illinois, are preparing a farewell for the 32-year-old Marine, who died in Nevada when his training aircraft crashed on March 1 during a training exercise.
2,380 American flags were placed along 12 miles of highway for honouring Captain Reid Nannen, whose funeral is planned on Saturday, March 22 at Eastview Christian Church in Normal.
He left behind a wife and four children. He was temporarily stationed at the U.S. Navy’s “Top Gun” school in Nevada, while his permanent posting was in Japan with the Marines.
Larry Eckhardt of Little York initiated this effort. The Hopedale residents also wanted to do something special for their native son, therefore, they warmly welcomed him.
Reid’s sister, Bethany Nannen, moved by this wonderful gesture of the townspeople said that her family feels humbled beyond belief.