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Tag: <span>Doug Bowman</span>

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Two In One Day

What: experimental plane
Where: Healdsburg Municipal Airport
When: Thursday, May 21 10:58 a.m.
Who: Pilot
Why: A quartering wind caused the pilot to veer off the runway and into the Funsten Ranch vineyard grape vines. Plane owner/pilot was not injured when his homebuilt crashed.

Then…a mere six hours later…same place…

What: low-wing, single-engine Mooney
Where: Healdsburg Municipal Airport
When: 4:55 p.m
Who: pilot
Why: Right after take-off, the Mooney went to partial power, passed a home and powerlines, then skidded on its belly into the vineyard where this Mooney also crash-landed on grapevines by the Mazzocco Winery

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