Six Jet Blue flights (and seventeen other flights) diverted to Bradley International Airport. Three of Jet Blue’s flights got stuck there for hours but at least some of them managed to wait IN the airport. To top off the handicap of area power outages, Jet Blue ran out of bottled water and snacks. The power outages stranded some passengers who were unable to book rooms; they were sleeping everywhere, on cots in the terminal, and the toilets backed up. Some of the luggage that should have gone to Bradley ended up at JFK. Flights were backed up as they were waiting to refuel, de-ice, etc.
Jet Blue flight 504 landed at 1:30 pm with 123 passengers–Passengers sat on the Tarmac for over seven hours. The planes doors were not opened until 9:00 pm. Three hours is the max allowable; the FAA may fine Jetblue $27500 per passenger as a violation of the Airline passengers bill of rights.
Captain Thompson praised Air Traffic Control and expressed disappointment in Jet Blue.
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