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Tag: <span>explosive</span>

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Air France Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Kenya

Air FranceAn Air France flight had to make an emergency landing at the Moi International Airport in Mombasa, Kenya, on December 20.

According to the Police Spokesman Charles Owino, “It requested an emergency landing when a device suspected to be an explosive was discovered in the lavatory.” The plane was heading from Mauritius to Paris at the time.

The plane landed safely. All 459 passengers and 14 crew members remained unharmed.

Owino confirmed that an investigation has been launched to “determine if the device had explosives.”

Spirit Airlines Jet Returns to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

spiritSpirit Airlines Flight 596 had to return and make an emergency landing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on November 19.

According to the airline, “the flight crew decided to return to the gate because of a security issue on board.” It is believed that two passengers were overheard mentioning ‘bomb’ about 20 minutes after the plane took off for Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The plane landed uneventfully. The passengers who were heard talking about bomb were removed while the Bomb-sniffing dogs searched the aircraft.

Authorities confirmed that no explosive were found.

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